Hosted (SaaS) version
PharmaLog Hosted (SaaS) version
Using PharmaLog software in a hosting system completely fulfils the needs that most pharmaceutical wholesale companies have as users.
As an added benefit of such set up, Clients can make use of PharmLog as a service, without the need to invest in their own IT infrastructure, i.e. Client has to only procure the Client terminals operating in own warehouse or office (computers, printers, scanners).
The remaining IT infrastructure will be ensured by us: server-side hardware and software, security tools as well as a system administration along with continuous services.
PharmaLog runs in the Magic environment, under the Unix / Linux operating system and on Windows clients. Terminal emulation technology enables quick response times while not requiring a high bandwidth because of low network traffic.
If you are a pharmaceutical wholesaler with smaller scale of operations, PharmaLog in Hosted (SaaS) configuration will be an ideal, optimal solution for you.