Software maintenance and support services for pharmaceutical wholesalers
Customized systems
We offer a maintenance service for the time our systems are in live operation, containing the following:
Continuous warranty
Providing capacity for development
Dedicated Client relationship manager, one point of contact
Remote service, meaning the system maintenance from a remote location via the Internet
Helpdesk system access
Documentation – system module validation and certification
An option for exclusive development
Discount manday rates
Hosted (SaaS) systems
In order to ensure secure operation of the system, we provide a specialist trained in carrying out system administrator tasks, who, during working hours, will carry out system administrator tasks necessary for the operation of the server, the workstations and the software
Continuous warranty
Based on Client's request, we continuously provide the capacity for customization and development tasks related to PharmaLog
Helpdesk system access
Discount manday rates
Yearly availability of over 99% for both server and network combined